Water purification information

Water purifier will become a new outlet for the home appliance industry

Views : 68750
Update time : 2021-08-28 16:21:52
Water purifier is a sunrise industry, and it will continue to maintain a rapid growth trend in the next three to five years. The sub-category whole-house water purification system makes water a kind of enjoyment. It solves all water quality problems at home in one step and ensures the safety of daily water use. It is undoubtedly a new outlet for the home appliance industry.
In pursuit of a healthy quality of life, drinking water safety is the basic requirement. Consumer demand for water purification equipment has promoted the rapid development of the water purification industry in recent years. According to data released by Zhongyikang, in the context of the downward trend in the home appliance market in 2018, water purification equipment has maintained a growth of 14%. It is expected that the market capacity of China's water purifiers may exceed 200 million units in 2019. The total market is more than 200 billion yuan.

Water purifiers will be a 100 billion market in China

While sales are growing rapidly, the water purifier market has huge development potential. In comparison, the penetration rate of water purifiers in European and American countries reached 90%, the penetration rate of water purifiers in developed Asian countries reached 70%, and the penetration rate of products in the water purification industry in my country was less than 2%. According to industry judgments, water purifiers will be a 100 billion-level market in China.

National standards are promulgated to accelerate the reshuffle of the water purification market

The water purifier industry has a positive side, but there are also many market chaos with false propaganda and brand confusion. However, in November 2017, the national standard "Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier Water Efficiency Limit and Water Efficiency Grade" was promulgated, which accelerated the reshuffle of the market, cleared the chaos in the industry, raised the barriers to entry, and the water purification industry began to gradually enter the market. On track. At the same time, the new standards also force water purification companies to upgrade their technology, improve the overall product quality to achieve higher water efficiency, and develop more products that are popular with consumers.

With the consumption upgrade and the popularization of the concept of healthy drinking water, functional points such as health, quality, and high-end have become key factors for consumers to purchase water purification products. This determines that the traditional solution of installing a terminal water purifier can no longer satisfy people's needs. Demand, the whole house water purification system subdivided from the household water purifier, with the meticulous water function zoning and reasonable water purification configuration, has gradually become the trend and mainstream of household healthy water use.

The relevant research data of the World Health Organization pointed out: The main way and the approximate proportion of "harmful substances in water" absorbed by the body are: 1/3 oral intake (drinking water, brushing teeth, food), 1/3 skin absorption (washing hands, bathing), 1/3 respiratory tract inhalation (cleansing, bathing). The whole house water purification system can purify the tap water in all places of the whole house such as the kitchen, bathroom, balcony, living room, etc., to meet the family's daily drinking, eating, washing, bathing and other all-round water purification needs, so the installation of the whole house water purification system is the general trend. According to Suning Big Data, the whole house water purification system was a hot-selling item during the 618 period, and sales increased by 591% year-on-year.

In recent years, traditional home appliance manufacturers have also launched O2O home appliance after-service platforms. In addition, third-party channel merchants such as Gome and Alibaba have also stepped in to participate. O2O entrepreneurial projects are also rising in the wind, focusing on after-services for household appliances. There are currently several modes of after-service for household appliances. One is the O2O platform for after-service household appliances established by traditional household appliances manufacturers. Ru Midea Group has launched the Xiyuejia platform for household appliances cleaning and maintenance, and has also invested in the establishment of a focus on household appliances. For the repaired Meimei home appliance platform, Haier has established a service platform for everyone, and color TV manufacturer TCL has launched a very home. Second, third-party channel business e-commerce platforms also want to take a share in this market. Last year, Cainiao, a subsidiary of Alibaba Group, began to gradually enter the after-sales market of home appliances. Gome hits the home appliance after-service market and launches Gome Butler. At the beginning of its establishment, Suning has established an after-sales service system, and strives to build the trump card of Suning Helper. In addition, the O2O2O entrepreneurial platform of the household electrical after-service market has also begun to turn to the household electrical Serve the market.

It can be seen that consumer demand is changing, and the direction of enterprise R&D is changing. What has not changed is that enterprises have always been on the road of innovation.
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